Oct 21, 2008

Code Blue : Doctor Heli

I've just finished watching Yamapi's new drama, Code Blue. First impression about Yamapi's hair: HATE it! LOL. But after I spent some time watching it, I'm beginning to accept his hair as a part of his metamorphosis. One day, I'm gonna look at his photos and think "Hey, this is Yamapi in (insert a drama title here)". Every haircut has its own drama history and shows Pi's transformation to adulthood.
Overall, this drama is not disappointing. You can read its synopsis in Ran's Blog or if you prefer the Indonesian review, go to my wordpress blog. I find the storyline is more human and realistic than Iryu:Team Medical Dragon's. All senior actors and actress, especially my favorite Yanagiba Toshiro, acted brilliantly. While the young ones, well, let's just say that they have tried their best. Yamapi should really work on his expressionless facial expression. I know he's trying to act as a cold doctor, but cold isn't the same as expressionless. There's so much gestures to show that you're a cold person rather than just playing with your fingers and stare at them! Hahaha....sorry, I just can't help to say it! Among the other three interns, I like Dr. Fujikawa's character the most. As the underdog doctor, his struggle to go up in the helicopter was really something. I even almost shed a tear when finally he was able to go in the helicopter in the last few episodes. Another almost tearjerker scene was when Dr. Kuroda lost his arm due to Shiraishi's carelessness. Ugh, wasn't it just enough that she had a romantic interest towards Aizawa? Warning: This is just my crazy opinion, though.
Despite all of that, apparently the rating is pretty good. We'll be expecting a Special episode (SP) next year. Hopefully, the SP will give us more on the other sides of those doctors, beside their routine tasks curing people. A little bit personal life, perhaps?

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